Happy First Blog Anniversary


Today is 14th March and there is something special in this date. Exactly one year ago, on this day I hit the button “Publish” for the first time! At the time I didn’t really know what I was doing. My blog is now 1 year old and it’s an anniversary day. This one year time period was learning phase for me.  It’s been a fantastic year and a great learning experience. Over the course of a year I have covered numerous subjects like inspirational and motivational quotes, poems and social stuff, with the goal of publishing something every week on average.

During this period of time I learned how to put your thoughts into words. I had met different bloggers. Each blogger has their own style of writing. There are some blogger who made good impact on me because of their way of expressing thoughts.

I would like to thanks all my blog followers; supporters who continue show their love towards my blog by liking my post as well as providing comment on my post.  Your support always encourages me to write post. I would like to give special thanks to Pratik of Aimless who is the person behind creating this blog. Thanks to Erika Kind of I’m Free who always supports me because she knows what guidance and support need to give to new blogger from senior blogger.

Let’s move to next phase of blogging journey and I know you all with me.  Some new blogger friends will join us in this journey. Now my responsibility is to write more good things. Keep writing and stay blessed friends.
